Is It Time For Your Website Redesign?
Your website is the online face of your business. Hence, it needs to be maintained and updated regularly, keeping in mind user’s and search engines’ needs. A well-designed website not only attracts visitors but also helps in achieving good search engine rankings. No matter how good your SEO campaign is, it is vain without a well-designed website. If your website has not been updated in a long time, here are some red flags that you must notice before discarding the idea of a website redesign.
High Bounce Rates
The bounce rate is the rate at which people leave your website. A high bounce rate often implies issues with user experience, content, or any technical issue. As your traffic is directed towards a homepage, it tends to have a maximum bounce rate. If you face high bounce rates, it indicates that the users are not finding what they need. It is advised to hire experienced website redesign services in India to resolve these issues in such cases.
Low Conversions
Several factors contribute to low conversions, such as a poorly designed website. A poor design makes it difficult for users to navigate through the website. Your visitors might be getting distracted on their way to checkout by poorly designed pages. This also causes uncertainty about your brand amongst your visitors, whereas a website redesign from a professional, responsive website design company can attract customers and offer a good user experience.
Outdated Content
An outdated website usually consists of obsolete content. The importance of content cannot be overlooked in the ranking of a website, but it also tells the user what your brand is all about. Outdated content means you do not care about the likes or needs of your visitors.
Unresponsive Website
The majority of traffic comes from mobile users. If your website is not mobile-friendly or responsive, it will impact your website’s traffic and search rankings. If there are few users of your website, the search engine will deem it irrelevant. This can also affect your brand reputation.
Slow Page Speed
Page speed is a crucial factor for ranking a website. Additionally, a user will wait about 3 seconds before leaving your website. Page speed is vital as you might be losing a lot of customers. Several factors contribute to faster page speed, but a cleaner and efficiently designed website is the first step.
Importance of a Responsive Web Design:
Time And Money
No doubt, a traditional website design may cost less than a responsive web design, but considering that you will get more visitors from mobile devices, you should invest in a responsive or mobile-specific design.
Therefore to save both time and money, you are advised to go for a responsive web design. Also, according to research, it has been found that 60% of all website traffic is coming from mobile devices.
An Increasing Number of Mobile Web Users
It doesn’t matter if your targeted market involves desktop users; with changing times, some potential customers will undoubtedly be looking for a mobile website. Hence, to please both desktop and mobile users, having a responsive web design is the key. You can even consult a professional to design a responsive website for your business.
Optimizing User Experience
If you are looking to redesign your business website because your competitor has an effective and attractive website than yours, then improvise your plan and go for responsive web design. This would not only enhance the appearance of your website but will also improve your market share and steal customers from your competitors.
A well-designed website can boost your SEO rankings as well as creates brand recognition among customers. A complete revamp is not always necessary, as little changes here and there. Consult a digital marketing agency that will suggest the optimal way to revamp your website without spending much.